Monday, 3 March 2008

Other evidence hunters...

There was a comment on the blog from Dorothy Coe, a teacher in the Borders, all about the issue of evidence in ACfE. She made some really interesting points which rang true with me too.
Having just had the inspectors in, I was all too aware of the need for paper-trails and evidence and was - I must be honest - a little apprehensive of the lack of "paper-based" evidence of my class' work over the year so far. A direct consequence of ACfE.

That having been the reason for this blog in the first place I decided just to go with it and made the HMIe team aware of both the blog and the folders in the class which I update with a version of my posts here under the 4capacities headings (see Responsible Citizens, Effective Contributors, Successful Learners and Confident Individuals) so that the children can see them - Blogger being blocked in school! The inspectors seemed neither here nor there with the whole evidence gathering thing. Meaning that either (a) I'm wasting my time with this, or (b) they just took it as a normal part of what I'm doing and accepted it. Unlike the submission of my PGCE assignments, I'm hoping for "b"!

1 comment:

Dorothy Coe said...

Thanks for the link.
Hope the final HMIe report is positive. Sounds as if it ought to be.